
Latitud Sur is an NGO specialized in Development registered at the APCI, Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation, at the Ministry of Culture in Ecuador and at the Foreign Affairs Secretary in Mexico.

It is a non-profit foundation declared at the SUNAT in Peru (RUC registration No.: 20493635752), at the SRI in Ecuador (RUC No.: 1792224357001) and at the SAT in Mexico (RFC nº: ALM120315HL8) (state agencies responsible for collecting taxes).

Our organization is based in Lima and Iquitos (Peru), in Quito (Ecuador) and in Mexico D.F.

We have Representatives in Europe, in particular through our French partner Arutam and other international correspondents.

Its staff is composed of foreign volunteers (often with an official status delivered by the french Foreign Ministry) with a compensation, local employees paid as part of a funded project and many volunteers from different countries.

The Management Board consists of the President of Latitud Sur, the Country Responsibles and Representative in Europe.

Latitud Sur has no religious affiliation and strives to maintain its independence of thought.


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