The team

William_Wadoux_75pxWilliam Wadoux – Latitud Sur President and Chief mission Latitud Sur Ecuador

Engineer, I spent 9 years of my life in Latin America in very diverse fields of activity. From now on 7 years I live in Ecuador (Quito) and dedicate myself to development projects in the Indian communities beside of which I learned to develop another vision of the world, more open and tolerant. It is all this that I want to share with you as guide.

Anne Brukhanoff – Chief mission Latitud Sur Peru

SONY DSCArno Aguilera – Tourism coordinator

I have decided to collaborate in the conservation projects of the traditions and the amazonian cultures. I assure the estate management of the boat ” Selva Viva “. I also guide the Latitud Sur cruises on the rivers of Amazonia to assure the logistics and the comfort of the passengers. My interest for the native cultures is not recent and I like the idea to be able to share their knowledge with respect and tolerance teachings.

Lucie Morandet_75pxLucy Morandet – Tourism chief
I deal with journeys and cruises to Iquitos. I studied sustainable tourism and ecology. Fascinated for a long time by Nature, I am endowed with a real desire to act and takes very seriously my role of raising awareness to the wealth of our beautiful planet. My goal: improve the respect and the understanding of our ecosystems to protect our natural heritage. My favorite playground: the rainforest.

11710_10204069035151446_8579696090653352370_n (1)Céline Burlot – Tourism Assistant

I’ve always been apasionate for Latin America, so I studied languages and cultural tourism, before I decide to leave France in order to dedicate myself to solidary and sustainable tourism projects abroad, and this is how the wind brought me to Iquitos and the NGO Latitud Sur. Our actions are full of human values, in the respect of the traditions and the local ecosystems, in order to promote the ethnocultural and environmental diversity of this region of the planet that’s only expects you to come and discover it. Passion, energy and solidarity are the main words of our team !

JP_Costa_75pxJean-Patrick Costa – Latitud Sud anthropologist advisor

Pharmacist and anthropologist of the health, I worked 3 years for “Pharmaciens Sans Frontières” (Pharmacists Without Borders) in Ecuadorian Amazonia. Founder of Arutam, association of support for the first peoples, I am the author of several books about shamanism. Fascinated by the native) cultures, I guide certain Latitud Sur journeys in Amazonia and in Mexico to continue to share their everyday life in all simplicity.

Hernan_Ormaeche_75pxHernán Ormaeche – Selva Viva captain
I work for 40 years and sail across the rivers of the Peruvian Amazonia. I worked before to transport goods in the borders of our country and also people for scientific expeditions. I will be more than happy to share with you the enjoyments of the inland navigation in my country.

Simon_Fleury_75pxSimon Fleury – Anthropologist advisor
I lived for three years in Ecuador, working on a development projects with Shuar and Quichua communities. I’ll be glad to share with you what I learned and escort your trip in Ecuadorian rainforest.

Adrien_Tieche_75pxAdrien Tieche – Chief Mission Latitud Sur Mexico
I actually live in Mexico

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