Sustainable Development

Latitud Sur works on the development of indigenous communities of the upper Amazon in strict respect of local equilibrium (social, economic, environmental…).


In this sense with intend to:

  • Promote local know-how and ancestral knowledge providing the necessary support for their development.
  • Maintain community cohesion by paying fairly the actors involved in our projects.
  • Highlight the natural resources of these territories while using them on a sustainable way.
  • Participate in material and economic self-sufficiency of these people in order to keep them away from the tentation to exploit nature in a destructive way.
  • Improve the living conditions of marginalized populations


Our projects in Sustainable Development

Country: Peru
Mission: Sustainable production of aguaje vegetal oil (Mauritia Flexuosa) as an alternative fairtrade way of revenues and as an added-value product from the rainforest.

To know more about this mission…

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